How Telehealth Increases Mental Health Awareness

By | April 27, 2022

The COVID19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges that many industries are still facing today. While the crisis has brought several unfortunate consequences, revolutionary technology has changed the landscape in some industries. The sudden shift to digital has stabilized the use of telemedicine, which has grown 38-fold since before the global pandemic. The increasing use of telemedicine has made it easier and easier for patients to get the right care, and created a positive future for the healthcare industry. Consequently, the rise of telemedicine in the healthcare industry has mobilized the mental health conversation and empowered patients to seek the best treatment that works for them.

An Overview Talking about mental illness is often stigmatized in society. In other words, it’s a topic that many people are afraid to talk about. And that’s the result of the lack of resources available to people to start these conversations. In fact, in the United States, 45% of people with a clinical mental health problem do not seek professional help. This can lead to various life-threatening problems including panic attacks, depression, heart attacks, and sometimes even death. Additionally, the sudden shift to remote work has highlighted the importance of talking about mental health. 70% of professionals who switched to remote work due to the pandemic said they now work weekends, and 45% of those surveyed said they also worked longer hours. These long hours, coupled with the inability to detach from work, have led to further feelings of isolation and burnout, which can lead to even more serious health problems. It has become increasingly apparent that discussions about mental health have become a necessity. New attitudes about how society thinks have started to give people the impetus they need to talk about mental illness. Telemedicine makes this a reality. Telemedicine removes the restrictions placed on in-person visits. It provides communities that lack medical professionals with patient care virtually anywhere in the world, whenever they want.
The use of telemedicine has revolutionized the healthcare industry, removing the stigma associated with mental health and allowing everyone to speak up about mental illness.

Fueling the Mental Health Debate: Understanding Telemedicine At its core, telemedicine provides healthcare through online means; it can be synchronous, asynchronous, or through remote monitoring, and each method provides an opportunity for the patient to talk about mental illness.
Synchronous telemedicine:

where most mental health treatments take place, involves real-time telephone interaction or live audio and video. This method allows the patient to discuss their medical concerns openly and in real-time with the consulting medical service provider.

Asynchronous telemedicine through asynchronous means involves “store and forward” technology: the patient can record his message earlier and upload it to the medical provider’s portal for the doctor to review later. This method allows the patient to communicate directly and securely with the medical provider. Remote Patient Monitoring Remote patient monitoring allows direct transmission of clinical patient measurements and may or may not be real-time with the. Each modality has its pros and cons; The flexibility of each method gives patients the resources they need and bridges the gap between telemedicine and mental health.

Fueling the Mental Health Discussion: What’s Next? New modern technologies have paved the way for medicine, provided new forms of care and destigmatized the anxiety associated with mental health. By bridging the gap between the digital realm and the physical world, telemedicine has renewed the entire landscape in the healthcare industry and is expected to continue. Many companies have now recognized the importance of mental health and have joined the mental health conversation.

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